CHO Awards 2015
Two young researchers were rewarded for their scientific work presented orally, by the award by the members of the CHO office of the CHO Awards 2015:
Coralie Hoareau-Aveilla (CRCT, Toulouse Cancer Research Center, UMR1037 Inserm / UPS / ERL5294 CNRS, Toulouse): "Our study on anaplastic large cell lymphomas (LAGC) NPM-ALK (+) revealed the existence of an epigenetic mechanism repressing the expression of miR-150, a tumor suppressor. This repression can be relieved by a hypomethylating agent, decitabine, and thus block the growth of tumor cells resistant to crizotinib, inhibitor of tyrosine activity ALK kinase. Our work places epigenetics at the heart of new therapeutic options for LAGC. "
Grégoire Stick (IBPS, Institut de Biologie Paris Seine, UMR 7622 CNRS / UPMC, Paris): "Our research focuses on the dialogue between hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and nerve stromal cells through, among other things, the exchange of extracellular microvesicles, exosomes. Our work identifies for the first time exosomes secreted by stromal cells and internalized by HSCs, having a specific molecular signature and participating in the ex vivo maintenance of HSCs. "
Two young researchers received for their scientific work presented by poster, the CHO Poster Awards 2015 which were awarded by a jury made up of members of the CHO bureau and Ruud Delwel, Brian J. Huntly, Daniela Krause and Roger Patient, speakers congress guests:
Laure Delestré (UMR1170 Inserm / Université Paris XI, Villejuif): "Oncogenes induce stress senescence limiting cell expansion and deficient in solid tumors. We have shown that this process exists in hematopoietic cells after activation of the oncogenes Spi1 and HrasV12 and it is lost during leukemic progression in a mouse model of acute myeloid leukemia. "
Anne Largeot (Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, Manchester): "We have shown that MOZ is involved in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells in adult mice, and in the development of T-cell leukemias. In addition, our study of proteins fusion of MOZs created during genetic translocations has demonstrated that they directly regulate the expression of leukemic oncogenes in acute myeloblastic leukemias. "