The CHO, (Hematopoiesis and Oncogenesis Club), is a cooperating group of the French Hematology Society bringing together researchers and clinicians interested in hematopoiesis and oncogenesis. The normal and pathological hematopoietic development, the tumour transformation process (leukemia and solid tumours) as well as the stem cell biology are among the areas of interest of the CHO.
The CHO, 'Club Hématopoïèse et Oncogenèse', is an association bringing together research actors in this field, in France and abroad.
Every year since 1994 (the 1st congress was held in Dourdan on 17 and 18 October 1994 - Nouvelle revue française d'hématologie, 1994, 36(5): 389-407), the CHO organizes its congress in the autumn, with invited speakers, selected oral communications and posted communications.