Session nouvelles /nouveaux recruté(e)s
Newly appointed scientist

Resistance to anti-cancer therapeutics remains one of major obstacles to improving survival rates in cancer; it arises in a multitude of ways including accumulation of epigenetic alterations. Recently, we discovered a new mechanism of treatment resistance that is not fully driven by epigenetic remodeling but nevertheless implies an activity switch of an epigenetic enzyme, EZH2. This enzyme represents one of the most promising epigenetic anticancer therapeutic targets, even if the complexity of its mechanism of action still leaves many grey areas. Despite its well-established activity as part of PRC2 for mediating gene repression by H3K27me3 deposition, new evidence points the importance of others, so-called non-
canonical activities including either its non-histone methyltransferase activity or an independent-methyltransferase activity. In line with this, we revealed that non-canonical non-methyltransferase activity of EZH2 was associated with retinoic acid resistance in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) (Poplineau, Blood 2022) and we have recently extended our results to the context of non-APL acute myeloid leukemia (AML) resistant to chemotherapy. However, our current knowledge of how and which non-canonical activity of EZH2 participates to this process is still poorly understood. One of our hypotheses is that EZH2 posttranslational modifications (PTMs) and variation in its interacting partners would affect EZH2 activity and impact treatment response. By coupling proteomics, gene editing, epigenomics and transcriptomics approaches using AML cell line resistant to chemotherapy we are currently identifying and functionally characterizing EZH2 PTMs. We will monitor their repercussion at the chromatin and transcriptional level and study their impact on therapy response. Finally, we will evaluate, in preclinical models of AML, the therapeutic interest of targeting EZH2 non-canonical activity using an EZH2 PROTAC. We believe that EZH2 degradation will clear the therapy-resistant cells and/or lead to a transcriptomic reprogramming of these cells towards less aggressive cells. We hope to define AML conditions that will benefit the use of EZH2 degrader, opening new therapeutic opportunity for patients with high risk of relapse.

The Cancer EPIgenetics and iMMunotherapY team (CEPIMMY) was created in 2023 through a Chair of Excellence from the Labex SIGNALIFE, a program of excellence hosted by the Université Côte d’Azur in Nice. Our team focuses on hematological malignancies (lymphoma, leukemia), common and aggressive cancers with limited treatment options mainly based on chemotherapy. One main characteristic of blood cancers is the presence of mutations in epigenetic proteins and previous studies have clearly demonstrated that perturbation of the epigenetic programming is strongly linked to the genesis and pathogenesis of these types of cancers. Therefore, therapies aimed at reversing malfunctioning epigenetic mechanisms are
expected to be beneficial for patients with hematological tumors. However, while certain epigenetic therapies are used as anti-cancer treatments, their full potential has not been achieved. Our goal is to improve and expand the application of epigenetic-based drugs to treat lymphoma and leukemia, based on three research axes: 1) investigating the mechanistic events underpinning the development and progression of blood cancers caused by malfunctioning of epigenetic processes, 2) exploring new combinatorial epigenetic therapies and 3) understanding how epigenetic mechanisms modulate the dynamic cellular interactions between the tumor and the immune system. Our research vision integrates basic and translational approaches, combining epigenetic-focused themes as well as human systems, mouse models and innovative methods to investigate the causes of blood cancer and enhance the applicability of epigenetic therapies and immunotherapies.